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A drone survey mitigates standard risks of ground based methods with access required only once work begins. Overall site shots detect issues that may not be visible via traditional methods.


Compared with traditional methods, drone surveys cover larger areas in a fraction of the time. 

A drone roof survey reduces the need of sourcing the correct ladders, hiring a viewing platform or erecting scaffolding. Not only will this save your business time, especially if multiple locations are to analysed, but it is also likely to reduce the need for additional equipment costs, so that the roof survey can completed in the shortest amount of time.


Drone surveys pick up issues early and constant monitoring means problems are rectified fast. 



Monitoring and sharing construction project progress is important to keep stakeholders and customers updated. We do this by flying the drone at the exact same locations, taking pictures allowing comparisons over time to be viewed and monitored.


The process is automated, the drone being programmed to take the pictures at the same coordinates, altitude and angle, to generate consistent professional progress reports.


From surveying and 3D modeling to structural inspections and job site monitoring, construction companies are turning to drones to save time, improve safety, and acquire data they’ve never had access to before


A drone roof inspection has the ability to analyse areas that would’ve been previously inaccessible to professional, or difficult to service using more traditional roof surveying methods. This is especially common amongst much older commercial properties, as well as those at a greater height



With high quality footage, a drone roof inspection can provide a more accurate level of service, which can then result in lower, more precise costings


One of the biggest benefits in selecting a drone roof survey is the limited disruption that is it is likely to cause to the property. This allows a business or home to continue as normal, as access, often through the property, is no longer required.

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